Social strategy

cartoon image of anemone, clownfish and stylized social media elements

It’s a cliché, but posting whenever you feel like it is not going to get you results on social media. Nor will plastering your feed with your products and offers.

Social media is the greatest thing that happened to marketing, because it put the focus back on the customer. It is about giving first and asking second. What that means for you as a business is you need to put out content your target audience wants to see, regardless of who’s posting it. Think of it as an investment that will yield benefits long term.

If you want success on social media, but it all sounds like Klingon to you, I think you’re in the right place. How about we hop on a call and talk about your needs?

I start with your brand and your business goals. Then we define what success on social media would look like for you, and how we can measure it. Then I will create your custom social media strategy.

This includes:

  • social media audit (your existing social accounts)
  • competitor analysis
  • content pillars
  • a sustainable posting calendar
  • hashtag bank
  • bonus: account setup&scheduling advice (what software to use?)

This is a one-time service, you are NOT committing to an ongoing project with me. You are free to take the finished strategy and implement it yourself or hire a VA (virtual assistant) to create and schedule content based on my guidelines. Of course, you can also hire me to handle your social media if you please. Find out more here!