Social media management

cartoon image of an octopus with social media symbols around

Keep rocking it in your business, and leave social media entirely to an expert. Or get as involved as you’d like (for example, sharing a weekly live or posting personal updates in between the posts I schedule).

This is a bespoke service I only offer to those who’ve chosen my Social Strategy package and want me to implement the strategy for them. You need to commit for a minimum of 3 months, as this is how long it normally takes to see a difference on social media.

What you’re getting is a seasoned (preferably with chili&lime 😜) social media manager who is equal parts brain and heart. I will approach your project with cold and hard analytical skills, but also with care and excitement. This way, you can speak to your dream clients’ minds and hearts at the same time!

Let’s talk about your options!

It might seem easy to post on social media, but doing it well is about so much more than clicking a few buttons. First of all, every post has to fit within the bigger picture: your strategy. We never post just for the sake of posting. Second, the posts need to satisfy Daddy Zuck & friends… because you don’t want your account restricted, right? Third, within all these limitations, you need to be creative. It shows when a creator is having fun, and it converts much better.

If we are to work together, I’d like you to understand one thing: social media is not going to bring you sales. It is going to bring you awareness, and possibly leads, but selling your product/service is still your job. I cannot guarantee X amount of followers, or Y amount in revenue. It is a mysterious and ever-changing space, and it takes an adventurer to dare go on and keep trying! If you’re okay with that, hit that button and let’s chat!